
Welcome to HERD Internal Site / 欢迎使用 HERD Internal Site:

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    please apply for
    SSO account and
    apply for HERD
    collaboration &     sub group.

    The user management system of this system adopts the unified authentication system of IHEP. Users need to have a unified authentication account and join the corresponding cooperative group. After the group administrator approves, they can log in.
    Apply for a unified authentication account and cooperative group:https://login.ihep.ac.cn     Select: Profile -> Group Information -> Apply for Collabroration -> Group or Subgroup -> Submit.
    申请统一认证账号及合作组:https://login.ihep.ac.cn     选择:个人资料->分组信息->申请合作组/申请群组->组或者分组->提交。

Technical Support:Comouting Central
技术支持:计算中心     Technical Support:Comouting Central